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Top 10 Articles in 2016
DIY Sprocket Solutions
This month we’re celebrating a few things here. Here at Sprocket Websites we’re celebrating our 6 year anniversary! We’re also celebrating a great first half of 2016. To end the first half of 2016, we’d like to take a look back at our most popular articles so far this year. These are the articles that viewers have read and interacted with the most in the last 6 months. We love seeing the topics that interest you, so we can give you more of what you’re interested in. Happy Anniversary!
Facebook Canvas: What is it and why do you need it?
In February, Facebook announced a new feature being hailed as the evolution of mobile advertising. This feature is called Canvas…
Instagram is More Engaging to Brands than Twitter
If you’re questioning what platforms would be best for you to boost your brand on social media, you may want to look no further than Instagram. In a recent study, Instagram was shown to bring 57 times more brand engagement than Twitter! This is huge if you’re looking to have your business seen and talked about. So, would your business benefit from being on Instagram?
Ways to Lose Mobile Users –FAST
Here, in the age of mobile internet, you may think that it’s nearly impossible to lose mobile readers. Well, you’d be wrong about that…
Facebook Adds Emoji ‘Reactions’ to ‘Like’ Button
It’s finally happened, Facebook has expanded the capabilities of its ‘like’ button. They have been working for more than a year to add options to posts beyond...
5 Free Small Business Social Media Tools
Running social media for your small business is no small task, but it also doesn’t have to be overwhelming. If you’re looking for some free, and reliable, tools to help you along the way – look no further. Once you decide who your audience is, what platforms you should be on, and what content you’ll be posting –you will need a little assistance putting your plans...
Tips for a Successful Instagram Contest
Instagram contests are a great way to increase engagement, get people talking about your business, increase your followers, and more. The trick is to run a successful Instagram contest that can accomplish these goals. So, what do you need to create a successful Instagram contest?
Twitter Revamps Ads and Introduces Ad Groups
Basically all of the "big dog" platforms on social media have advertising options for advertisers. Twitter has had ads for a long while now, but they are revamping! Twitter has recently introduced their "ads editor" tool. This tool enables advertisers to…
Building Social Media Reports with Cyfe
If you’re running a social media campaign for yourself or a client, you may be wondering what the best way to track your efforts will be. Look no further than the site Cyfe -an all in one...
Why Create a LinkedIn Company Page
You may already have a LinkedIn Personal profile. Most professionals do. You might also have heard that having a LinkedIn Company page isn’t going to inspire a huge influx of leads and...
5 New Ways to Market on Pinterest
There are so many brands on Pinterest because brands know that consumers are on Pinterest. People are searching, shopping, looking for ideas and inspiration. Why not get in on the action? It can...
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The Sprocket Team
Sprocket boasts several Content Writers, Social Media Marketeers, and Sales Associates whose opinions we share.
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