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SEO for the Common Man

Kate Gingold 0 4054 Article rating: No rating

This article was updated on 3/6/2019 with the article entitled "Getting Started with Do-It-Yourself SEO."

Paying for Search Engine Optimization?
Getting what you paid for?
Wishing you could afford SEO?
Trying to do it yourself?

Or are you just ignoring the whole SEO discussion entirely?

Read on for a few simple tips that help you figure out what you have, what you need and how to make it happen.

Back at the home office today! @SprocketWebsite

Last stop of the World-Wind tour 2011

James Nagy 0 4228 Article rating: No rating

Susan and I get back to the Home Offices of Sprocket Websites every couple of months. We have been on a whirlwind tour of the country the last couple of weeks. Orlando, Phoenix, Chicago… However, it looks like it is going to slow down a bit in December, but November isn’t over just yet and I’ve got a couple of road trips coming up so I’ll keep you posted.

#ASCPAM11 – American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Annual Meeting 2011


James Nagy 0 6464 Article rating: No rating

Susan and I attend this event over the last several days in Phoenix, AZ. This was a professional conference for Susan, but for me it was a research exercise to check out the happenings in the pharmacy industry.

I checked out the exhibit hall to see what was going on. There were lots of drug manufactures, companies that produce pill counting machines and blister packs.M/p>

From #DNNWorld to #ASCPAM11 - Observations about business

American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Annual Meeting 2011

James Nagy 0 4026 Article rating: No rating

So going from DotNetNuke World 2011 #DNNWorld in Orlando Florida to the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Annual Meeting 2011 #ASCPAM11 is quite a difference experience indeed. I’m here this year at #ASCP to check out the exhibitors, study marketing trends, and get a feel for what is happening in the world of consulting pharmacists. Susan is here with me at this show as it is really a professional conference for her. Be sure to check back here for more information on how/why Sprocket is interested in the wonderful world of pharmacy.

Ok, so here is a quick tip to small business owners who own customer-facing businesses.

#DNNWorld: Happiest Place on Techie Earth

A Report on the DNN Conference

Kate Gingold 0 3614 Article rating: No rating

Jim and Don represented Sprocket Websites at the DotNetNuke World Conference in Orlando last week. Immersed in Everything DNN, they were like a couple of kids at a Disney park!

While they both did some tweeting and blogging during the conference, now that they've come down from the mountain-top experience and are back in the office, Jim and Don discussed what this first all-DNN conference was like.

A Good #DNNWorld Was Had By All!

Don Gingold 0 3825 Article rating: No rating

Well, at least by me. I learned a great deal at DNN World and am very happy to have gone. Plus, where else would you hear the trends and the scoops about DNN, Microsoft, Internet and mobile technology than at a technical conference?

#DNNWorld Conference Day 2 - Wrap Up

DNNWorld 2011

James Nagy 0 3988 Article rating: No rating

Day Two of DotNetNuke World 2011 Convention is now in the books. There were two keynote addresses today, which I thought was a bit odd calling them keynote addresses as there was one already at the beginning of the show as where the key note is supposed to be. These could have been called special speaker sessions or guest speaker or something other than Key Note.

CMS Redefined at #DNNWorld

Don Gingold 0 3401 Article rating: No rating

CMS, regularly known as content management system, has been redefined to be cloud, mobile, social. Shaun Walker made the new definition at his keynote address and it was carried out in the classes for the rest of the day. 

Jim and I attended as many classes as we could and even though there were three of them and two of us for each time slot, we certainly felt we learned a great deal. Here are some highlights.

#DNNWorld Conference Day 1 - Wrap Up

DNNWorld 2011

James Nagy 0 3517 Article rating: No rating

So today was the first conference day for DotNetNuke World 2011. There were lots of sessions that both Don and I attended. Our strategy was to attend different sessions to try and get as most out of the show as possible. The sessions that I attended were as follows:

#DNNWorld Conference Day 1 - Wrap Up

DNNWorld 2011

James Nagy 0 3427 Article rating: No rating

So today was the first conference day for DotNetNuke World 2011. There were lots of sessions that both Don and I attended. Our strategy was to attend different sessions to try and get as most out of the show as possible. The sessions that I attended were as follows:


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