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Can I Help You?

DIY Sprocket Solutions

The Sprocket Team 0 4822 Article rating: No rating

How did that sound? “Can I help you?” Did you read it in a polite, helpful way?  Or maybe you read “Can I help you?” and pictured a big burly man spitting into a tin and cracking his knuckles threateningly… (apparently I have a western movie playing in my head).  My point is, first impressions are important.  If someone were physically walking into your store, how would you approach them?  Now let’s look at your online presence; what first impression are you giving?

My Adventures With UI

DIY Sprocket Solutions

The Sprocket Team 0 4348 Article rating: No rating

I wanted to take some time today to talk to everyone about my challenges with anything computer oriented.  I know, it’s crazy; I work on a computer all day long.  You should know this about me: from time to time I will google: [insert techy concept here] for dummies.  It goes without being said, I have several face palm moments a week.  A few weeks ago, I was asked to help develop a blog about User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX).  For those of you out there going, “Yes, go on.  Everyone knows what UI/UX is.” … just hold your horses.  And for the rest of you, “Isn’t UI a urinary infection?” people; this one is for you.

Moved over 100 Websites and hiked over 4 miles this weekend

Tales of webserver migrations

James Nagy 0 5055 Article rating: No rating

We have been planning a server move for many months. Well, we had been planning to move one of our production servers this weekend, and the other one in a couple of weeks. However, communications went out to all our clients that this was the weekend of the move so we just moved both servers at once. I was a little nervous about this at first, as there were a total of four DotNetNuke installations to move, but in hindsight, I’m glad that it’s done now. There were domain names to coordinate and A records to change, moving many gigabytes of customer information including multiple SQL server databases (DotNetNuke and non-DotNetNuke alike) and a hundred other small things, but Don and I just rolled up our sleeves and...

School Keeps Parents Up-to-Date

New website provides loads of information

Don Gingold 0 6055 Article rating: No rating
Parents no longer need to rummage around in a milk-soaked backpack in a quest for notes from their child's teacher. All Saints Catholic Academy in Naperville is now rolling out a revamp of its website that will help parents stay on top of news, guidelines and other information they need.

Address your Address

DIY Sprocket Solutions

The Sprocket Team 1 4852 Article rating: No rating

Occasionally I’ll come in contact with someone out in the cyber world who absolutely shocks me.  OK, ‘occasionally’ is putting it lightly.  If I send an email asking about the details to a professional event, and CutieGirl152 writes me back, you can probably guess I won’t be coming.  If your email address hasn’t changed since 1992, we need to talk.  What the heck is your email address saying about you, your company, or your organization?  If “GaGa4Poodles” is what you’re going for … well, I don’t know exactly how to respond to that.


DIY Sprocket Solutions

The Sprocket Team 0 5086 Article rating: 5.0

Hey you, yeah you.  Your photo is so big it’s blocking the sun. 

When I started with Sprocket Websites, I learned something very interesting about myself.  I don’t know about the rest of you, but I needed to join “I-need-to-start-resizing-my pictures-Anonymous”.  I had no clue what I was doing.  Our Facebook page needs a photo you say?  Well, here! Let’s shove this gigantic image into a tiny box and see if we can make out what that section is supposed to say.  Better yet, let’s take this teeny tiny picture and put it into a cavernous abyss and see how wide it can stretch!  What fun this is!

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