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Address your Address
DIY Sprocket Solutions
Occasionally I’ll come in contact with someone out in the cyber world who absolutely shocks me. OK, ‘occasionally’ is putting it lightly. If I send an email asking about the details to a professional event, and CutieGirl152 writes me back, you can probably guess I won’t be coming. If your email address hasn’t changed since 1992, we need to talk. What the heck is your email address saying about you, your company, or your organization? If “GaGa4Poodles” is what you’re going for … well, I don’t know exactly how to respond to that.
There are a million reasons to add a professional email address. Here are a few, I’m talking to you MuscleMan342!
- To look professional! You want your customers to take you seriously. You have a grown up business, you need a grown up email.
- Access your email anywhere, anytime. Convenient, easy, accessible. Can’t get much better than that.
- To correlate with your business. If your company is Super Savvy Suitcases, get a Super Savvy Suitcases email address. Your customers will know it’s you instead of just deleting an address that they don’t know.
- Protect against viruses & spam! Who knows what kind of viruses you’ve got attached to your address from the stone age.
- 24/7 phone and email support. People like us need this, trust me.
There are so many benefits to adding a professional email address, but the bottom line is simple. If you want to be taken seriously in the professional world, if you want your customers to be able to easily recognize you, and if you are looking for convenience –a professional account is the way to go.
The only real question is – what was your email from 1992? Really, I’m curious.
This article has been updated with "It's Way Past Time to Address your Email Address."
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