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When is it Time to Redesign Your Website?

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 6096 Article rating: No rating

There comes a time in every person’s life when they’ve got to ask themselves –is it time to redesign my website?  That may not actually be true.  The truth is, however, that if you DO have a website and if you ARE invested in it –it is worth a second look every now and then to see if there is actually need to shake things up a bit.  This could be anything from swapping out colors, to changing your whole theme.  Maybe your little spokesperson is a brunette, but you heard blondes have more fun.  Whatever your reasoning, if you are asking yourself if it’s time to redesign, here are a few pieces to look at that may need a little tweaking, moving, and shaking.

Website Eases Fears of Collision Repair Clients

Online services and trustworthy content reassures visitors

Don Gingold 0 9365 Article rating: No rating
Watsonville Auto Body Collision Centers puts the client's needs first in their shops so they wanted their website to do the same. Automobiles are a major investment and dealing with accident damage can be distressing. The Watsonville Auto Body website strives to reassure customers and make the repair process easier.

Beef It Up For Graph Search

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3877 Article rating: 5.0

We’ve already discussed Facebook’s Graph Search’s plot to take over the world: here.  Now, lets dive a little deeper into how your business should be rearranging itself a bit to get the most out of those search results.  If you want to be noticed, you have to stand out a bit.

Move It Or Lose It!

Breanne Bannon 0 4257 Article rating: No rating

I read blog articles, news stories, and other random web nonsense every day of the week.  Some are memorable; some not so memorable.  Do you know what I don’t read?  That news story you never shared.  That blog post that you never put on your Twitter or Facebook?  I’ve never read it.  Between checking my email, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, and EZines on ten minute rotations –I don’t have time to go searching the darkest corners of the internet for your recipe on the world’s largest soufflé.

Unconventional Networking

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4815 Article rating: No rating

More networking?! Yes my friends… more networking.  Unfortunately for you anti-socials out there, contacts don’t generally fall out of the sky.  And we’ve talked about putting yourself out there and NetWORKing… but where are you going?  Where are these connections being made these days?  The answers might surprise you.

5 Ways to Make Your Blog Cool[er]

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4132 Article rating: No rating

So, you’re a big bad blogger now?  Well good for you!  Sort of… Hey, people are always looking for ways to improve. For all I know, you’re perfect and you’ve already enacted all of these tips I’m about to share.  If that’s the case, you’re just going to force me to make another list folks.  And if you haven’t noticed from any past posts… like: here, here, and here.  I like my lists.

Brickkicker Site Brings Customization to a Whole New Level

Custom Design, Easy to Use, Convenient

Breanne Bannon 0 3569 Article rating: No rating

If you’re looking for a website that epitomizes the phrase “Custom Design”, look no further than the website we designed for Brickkicker.  All of the functionality on this site was done with custom code.  The site started as a corporate brochure.  With the help of the DotNetNuke (DNN) user system and a series of DNN Modules, the site was completely customized from top to bottom. 


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