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No Place Like Facebook for the Holidays?
DIY Sprocket Solutions
This article has been updated on 10/30/2019 with the article entitled “Prep Your Facebook Page for the Holidays"
It’s that time of year again, people are running around like crazed lunatics getting their holiday shopping in. We’ve turned into little consumer machines. And where are people looking this year for deals, specials, and guidance? Why, social media of course. So the real question is: Is your Facebook page ready for the holidays?
There are a few ways for you to spruce things up on your page to catch the customer’s interest. A few are as simple as switching out your profile/cover photos for something a little more festive. Keep the pictures representative of your brand but also let them reflect the holiday season. According to Mashable, 65% of shoppers tap social media for the perfect gift. If your Facebook page starts to look a little more ‘in spirit’, your customers will start to look at your page for special holiday offers, promotions, events, deal information, etc.
That leads me to my next point. Special Holiday Offers. Promotions. Events. Deals. These are all things you should be looking into for your own Facebook page. It’s one thing to look the part, but it’s a totally different matter to get a holiday campaign going behind that. Lucky for you, Facebook has recently updated their promotion guidelines which opens the door to more promotion and giveaway options. Prizes can be whatever you like: coupons, resources, free shipping, etc.
Get creative and get into the mind of your consumer. Think about the holidays as well. What sounds like a good gift to you? Which product do you have that you could push as a great gift option to your customers for themselves and for others on their list? Take some time, develop an outline of what you want to do, and start researching your options. It’s totally fine to pull a few examples from other companies and follow lead. We’re all in the same boat here. Get moving!
What are you guys doing to help boost holiday sales this year? Are you staying prevalent on social media with all these other great deals flying around?
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