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Top 5 Online Marketing Trends Predicted to Rule in 2014
DIY Sprocket Solutions
As we know, the internet –living and breathing –is ever changing. Our relationship and the way that we maneuver around the online world is also in a constant state of change. So, what’s on the horizon in the coming year? How can we expect marketing to adapt and to grow?
1. Easily Digestible Content: In a world of Pinterest, Buzzfeed, and Instagram consumers are getting flashed with so many images per minute that they need to make a split second decision about whether they’re interested or not. Even Twitter has picked up the trend and is finally placing photos with front and center priority on the site. Consumers are visual and this trend isn’t slowing down any time soon.
2. Content Marketing: Growing increasingly in popularity is a businesses need and use of content marketing. Businesses are creating strong bonds with their consumers by providing original, consistent, and informative content to the masses. This includes social media posts, articles posted on websites, blog posts, newsletters, how-to videos/ads and more.
3. Getting Creative with Social Media: Social media sites are also constantly in motion. Most businesses have finally bit the bullet and jumped on the bandwagon for the big sites like: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. In the next year, it will become increasingly important for businesses to branch out and try new and creative approaches to their social media strategies. Each site has its own set of tools specialized for specific marketing.
4. Customer Loyalty: It’s predicted that there will be a big push for new ways to increase existing customer loyalty rather than a constant influx of new customers. It’s definitely cheaper to keep the customers that you have than to acquire new ones. An increased emphasis will be placed on coming up with improvements to the customer experience.
5. Simplicity: As we said before, people are being bombarded with thousands of messages and images every minute. It’s overwhelming, it’s frustrating, it’s too much. Solution? Stripping it down. Following the lead of some of the big contenders and using the less is more approach. Streamline design, pictures, and messages to make it easier for the consumer to process.
Now, these are just 5 of the main predictions for online marketing in the coming year. I’m sure you all have a few ideas of your own that you think might be exploding onto the scene in a few months. What are your thoughts? What direction do you think online marketing will turn in next year? Anything you think we’ll lose in the process?
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