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Top 5 Articles of 2015
2015 is coming to a close and it’s time to take a look back over out most popular articles of the year. These are the articles that you read the most and were most interested in. Catch up on the articles you may have missed!
Email Marketing in 2015
No, email marketing is not dead. In fact, email marketing is kind of huge right now. I can tell you that with Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Crazy Holiday Deal Madness behind me -I did most of my online shopping based on email marketing campaigns sent from a few stores I frequent online. I can also tell you that I am a repeat shopper at most of those places online not only because I love their products, but also because they continually send me emails that hit the nail right on the head. What are they doing right? I'm glad you asked...
Social Media Don'ts
We've all seen them -cringeworthy posts on social media that we wish we could take back for the other person. I've had severe secondhand embarrassment for someone who posted a questionable status or photo on social media. Selfie on a toilet anyone? A completely insensitive joke with a hashtag #toosoon? Now let's translate that to brands on social media. Brands are not immune to social media faux pas. There are a few safe bets when it comes to social media don'ts.
Don't Let Social Media Management Be a Time Suck
Social media management can turn into a total time suck if you let it. Now, I'm not saying that you should stop spending time on your social media marketing, I'm saying that you should plan your time to work more efficiently. Work smarter, not harder. We've all been sucked into the abyss that is Twitter. We scroll, then click and read, click and read, click and read, look up and found that 4 hours have gone by and you're still sitting there in your pajamas. That was a waste of time...
SEO, Social Media Marketing, and Content Marketing -What’s the Difference?
If you’re new to the game, or heck –even if you’ve been around awhile, you probably have heard phrases like content marketing or SEO being thrown around all over the place. Also, if you’re anything like me, you’ve spent a lot of time blindly shaking your head going, “Sure, yeah, SEO super important. Oh, yeah, content marketing is where it’s at right now…” All the while feeling like you’re speaking in tongues. So, let’s break it down. What IS the difference between SEO, social media marketing, and content marketing? What do each of these things mean?
Facebook Page vs Facebook Group
If you’re just getting started in the social media race, you might be at a crossroads when it comes to Facebook. Depending on what type of organization you have, you could be deciding between starting a Facebook Page vs starting a Facebook Group. So, what are the differences? Which one is right for you?
Integrating Your Social Media Marketing and Email Marketing Together
Do you have a social media presence? Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.? Do you also have a blog, newsletter, or email campaign of some sort? These should all tie in to each other! When you are promoting you, you need to be thorough. Make yourself overly available to your customers and clients. Do you want to lose business because someone couldn’t figure out how to connect with you on Facebook or how to get discounts that you might only give out with a newsletter subscription? I don’t think so. It’s incredibly important that you are accessible to your clients and customers and that you make being able to connect with you a no brainer to accomplish.
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The Sprocket Team
Sprocket boasts several Content Writers, Social Media Marketeers, and Sales Associates whose opinions we share.
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