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Sprocket Holds Ceremonial Ribbon Cutting at Mixpo Event

Introduced to Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce

Kate Gingold 0 3130 Article rating: No rating

Sprocket Websites will be featured at the New Member Showcase on Wednesday during the Mixpo business event of the Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce. Mixpo is the biggest mixer/expo of the year and "ceremonial ribbon cuttings" are held during the evening to introduce new member businesses to all the attendees. Jim Nagy of the West Coast office will be representing the company and meeting as many chamber members as possible. If you're attending Mixpo, look for Jim and say "hello!"

Mea Culpa Management

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 0 4477 Article rating: No rating

Some view the flippant “my bad” as irritating, but at least there’s been acknowledgement and ownership of the problem. Learning how to manage failure may be more important to your business than how to handle success.

Why Go Mobile?

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4010 Article rating: No rating

Let’s say you’ve taken my advice by now, you’ve got a successfully running website that is driving traffic to your business. Perfect! Now, let’s talk about taking that next step.  You might be saying to yourself: What’s the point in going mobile? People can still bring me up on their phones if they are searching for me on the internet… To that I would promptly pick you up and shake you. OK, maybe I wouldn’t go that far.  But the appearance of your website is pretty important. Both on AND off the computer. So when a customer visits your site on their phone, if it’s all scattered around, hard to maneuver, or full of information that’s probably not useful to them on the go, they are going to move on.  Their thumbs can only take so much browsing on those tiny screens.  It’s 2013, let’s catch up with the times.  There are hundreds of millions of mobile phone users in the U.S. alone. About 9 out of 10 have access to the internet on their phones. What are you doing to win them over?

Plainfield Patch.com Announces New Will County Health Website

Sprocket Websites are proud collaborators!

Kate Gingold 0 3726 Article rating: No rating
Plainfield Patch.com published a press release from the Will County Health Department about their newly-launched website built with the Sprocket Websites team. In this collaboration, Sprocket was able to organize the Health Department's wealth of information into a website that makes it easy for Will County residents to get what they need online.

Facebook Graph Search: For or Against?

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 2 3995 Article rating: No rating

Everyone is talking about this new Facebook Graph Search.  Talk makes it seem like it’s taking over the world, slashing privacy to death, and burying Google in the backyard.  But, what’s the real story?  I would show you some great screens shots and walk you through the process… However, we’re going to have to save that for part 2 my friends –as I am still on the waiting list to dive into this particular treasure.  I feel like going on Facebook and really beefing up my profile so they will pick me first for the team.  So what is it, exactly, that all the buzz is about?  What is this search supposed to do and what does that mean for you? Perhaps most importantly, can it help your business?

If You’re Not Moving Forward…

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 0 4787 Article rating: No rating
…then you’re moving backward, they say. So The Sprocket Report is getting a new look, but not just for newness’ sake. Much thought and research went into creating a more useful, attractive product. Take a look at what we learned and use it to freshen up your own newsletter.

Twitter Round 2: Top 5 Twitter Faux Pas

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4181 Article rating: No rating

Way back when, I was a twitter newbie.  By way back when, I mean about 4 months ago.  At the time I was just getting used to the wonderful world of Twitter.  These days, I’m feeling pretty comfortable maneuvering my way around the tweets and hashtags.  But, in true Sprocket Solutions style.  I’ve got a few twitter faux pas that it’s best to stay (run) away from.

Consider Considering These 5 Things

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4202 Article rating: No rating

I feel like there are a lot of people these days that jump into things a little quickly –especially when it comes to anything that has to do with the internet.  I would give you the “back in my day” speech; but, I’m only 23 so that would be both ridiculous and irrelevant.  When it comes to your business; however, you should take a bit of time to make sure all your ducks are in a row.  I’m all for taking risks and trying new things.  Just make sure you’re prepared is all I’m saying.

Here are 5 things you must consider before making – or remaking your website. 

These are some important points folks, read up.

Going the Extra Mile in Amarillo

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 0 5698 Article rating: No rating

During the drive from Chicago to Los Angeles and back again, our little car needed an oil change. The shop we stopped at excelled at providing an unforgettable sales experience. If you haven’t checked the dipstick in your customer service lately, read on to hear how these boys wowed us.


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