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Which Social Network is Best for Your Business?

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3114 Article rating: No rating

At this point, many businesses have taken the initiative to put themselves out there.  Businesses are reaching their customers like never before through websites, blogs, newsletters, and social media.  With what seems like 30 new social media platforms a minute, it can be difficult to decide which network is worth putting a big chunk of your time into and which might not need as close of an eye on it.

Users Turning to Pinterest Over Google to Search

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3447 Article rating: No rating

Say it isn’t so! You’re talking to a dedicated “googler” over here. I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz lately about Pinterest being the new Google and at first I rolled my eyes and said a sarcastic OKAY, but now that I’ve sat back and thought about it a bit … I’m guilty of searching on Pinterest too. This can be a pretty positive shift for those who are marketing (or should be marketing) on Pinterest. With its power in search growing, this can translate into serious dollars for Pinterest marketers.

Top 5 Free Social Media Management Tools

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 5685 Article rating: No rating

Businesses are continually encouraged to keep up with the beast that is social media marketing. More accounts to manage, more users to target, more followers to gain, more engagement, and more content to push. For companies with multiple social media accounts (ex: a Facebook page, Twitter page, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, etc.) managing all those pages by single handedly logging into and updating each one is daunting. Add to the mix businesses like ours that help other companies manage their social media accounts and you’ve got one huge project (and one huge time suck) on your hands. Enter social media management tools. 

Top 5 Online Marketing Trends Predicted to Rule in 2014

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 5802 Article rating: No rating
As we know, the internet –living and breathing –is ever changing. Our relationship and the way that we maneuver around the online world is also in a constant state of change. So, what’s on the horizon in the coming year? How can we expect marketing to adapt to and grow?

Pinterest For Your Business - Best Applied Practices: Part 2

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3856 Article rating: No rating
Alright, now that you're familiar with Pinterest from our first part of the post here -we can now dive a little deeper into making Pinterest work for your business.  One of the most interesting things I've found so far in personal Pinterest vs. business Pinterest is that it's actually important to be extremely similar in your two approaches.  People want personable profiles -no one likes to feel like they're being sold, poached, etc.  Solution? Put your pins to work.

Why We Should All [Myself Included] Consider A Pinterest Business Page

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4595 Article rating: No rating

I’m no stranger to Pinterest.  This isn’t such a huge shocker to those who know me.  In fact, my husband would be rolling his eyes saying, “Are we talking about Pinterest, again?” He’s still bitter about the corn husk glue gun project.  My point here is this –Pinterest is big.  Huge even.  In fact, Pinterest produces four times the revenue-per-click as Twitter.  Do I have your attention yet?

When is it Time to Redesign Your Website?

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 6158 Article rating: No rating

There comes a time in every person’s life when they’ve got to ask themselves –is it time to redesign my website?  That may not actually be true.  The truth is, however, that if you DO have a website and if you ARE invested in it –it is worth a second look every now and then to see if there is actually need to shake things up a bit.  This could be anything from swapping out colors, to changing your whole theme.  Maybe your little spokesperson is a brunette, but you heard blondes have more fun.  Whatever your reasoning, if you are asking yourself if it’s time to redesign, here are a few pieces to look at that may need a little tweaking, moving, and shaking.

Move It Or Lose It!

Breanne Bannon 0 4325 Article rating: No rating

I read blog articles, news stories, and other random web nonsense every day of the week.  Some are memorable; some not so memorable.  Do you know what I don’t read?  That news story you never shared.  That blog post that you never put on your Twitter or Facebook?  I’ve never read it.  Between checking my email, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, and EZines on ten minute rotations –I don’t have time to go searching the darkest corners of the internet for your recipe on the world’s largest soufflé.


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