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Move It Or Lose It!
I read blog articles, news stories, and other random web nonsense every day of the week. Some are memorable; some not so memorable. Do you know what I don’t read? That news story you never shared. That blog post that you never put on your Twitter or Facebook? I’ve never read it. Between checking my email, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, and EZines on ten minute rotations –I don’t have time to go searching the darkest corners of the internet for your recipe on the world’s largest soufflé.
If you want your articles to be read, PROMOTE THEM. If you want your news stories to actually be news instead of a 3 week old stale piece of bread, SHARE THEM. It’s not a difficult concept folks. “Why do I only have 12 views on my latest Star Wars blog?” Nobody knows it exists. (Among other reasons…) You have a Twitter or a Facebook don’t you? Millions of viewers at your fingertips? Get your posts moving. Are we all just supposed to feel a cosmic shift that alerts us to the presence of your latest post? I didn’t feel anything and guess what I also didn’t do? Read your post.
Question for you: If a blog posts dies stale and alone in cyber space does it make a sound? Please do me a favor, do yourself a favor, do everyone on this planet the really needs that recipe a favor –get your posts moving. Share them. Promote them. Stand on the proverbial milk carton with a girl that jumps out of a cake holding a flashing neon sign that points to your article. It’s probably much easier just to send a tweet; but, if the girl in the cake with the sign is your thing –then go for it.
Does this mean I’ll love your article? Not necessarily, but you never know if you never try. And I can’t try your article if I don’t know it exists. Have an article you’d like to share? Post it in the comments below. Want to share my article? What are you waiting for?! Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc. GET MOVING!
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The Sprocket Team
Sprocket boasts several Content Writers, Social Media Marketeers, and Sales Associates whose opinions we share.
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