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Twitter Round 2: Top 5 Twitter Faux Pas
DIY Sprocket Solutions
Way back when, I was a twitter newbie. By way back when, I mean about 4 months ago. At the time I was just getting used to the wonderful world of Twitter. These days, I’m feeling pretty comfortable maneuvering my way around the tweets and hashtags. But, in true Sprocket Solutions style. I’ve got a few twitter faux pas that it’s best to stay (run) away from.
- Not following back. No you do not have to follow every single person who follows you. But, if you have 438 followers and only follow 7… you’re being rude. Twitter etiquette says FOLLOW BACK!
- Automating EVERYTHING. Robots haven’t taken over the world – yet. When each tweet is automated, or every response for that matter, you are not actually connecting with people. Don’t get me wrong – I don’t think you should avoid automated tweets altogether, they are VERY convenient and useful for business social media profiles. Moderation my friends. You can have that chocolate donut, just don’t eat the whole box please.
- Overselling yourself. Hey, see those people there? Those followers? They were kind enough to hit “follow” on your page. Over assaulting them with sale mail messages is just plain mean.
- Oops, you forgot your customers are looking. Some people have personal Twitter accounts. Some people have business Twitter accounts. Some have both. There is nothing wrong with any of those options; however, if your business/personal page is a hybrid please remember that your customers are watching. They are reading. Try to clean it up.
- Updating your Facebook, oh wait, I meant “Twitter”. It’s fine if your accounts are linked. Maybe that makes your life a little easier. Perhaps, because your life is a little easier, you’ll smile more. De-stress. Go have a nice dinner. Get a good night’s sleep. Whatever you need. But please remember, Facebook and Twitter are not the same. Utilize some of Twitter’s tools. Don’t be afraid to whip out those hashtags! #YOLO
What about you? What are you seeing on Twitter that drives you nuts? It’s alright – don’t be shy! By the way, one and all, please share this. For the sake of your not so twitter-telligent friends… It’s more of a public service.
This article has been updated on 5/12/2020 with the article entitled “Are You Still Making These Twitter Mistakes?”
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The Sprocket Team
Breanne is a Content Writer, Social Media Marketeer, and Sales Associate for Sprocket Websites.
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