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Marketing Content on Google+
DIY Sprocket Solutions
Google+ is a huge contender on the social media marketing front. While there may be huge differences from Facebook and Twitter –it doesn’t make marketing on Google+ any less important. It is a different platform though and that comes with a different set of rules.
Here are a few tips for marketing your content on Google+ to optimize your results:
• Be sure to focus on visual content:
Visual content is huge on Google+. Everyone is sharing photos and videos like wildfire. It’s eye catching, it grabs attention, and people are actively sharing that content.
• Educating your audience is key:
Google+ audiences are different than Facebook audiences (not to say that those on Google+ don’t also have a Facebook page). People on Google+ tend to be looking for more insightful and educating content. Be sure that you are catering to those needs.
• Post frequently:
Content is moving fast on Google+. Updates are constant. To stay ahead of the curve, and also relevant, consistently post content. Post multiple updates daily. Get in the conversation and stay in the conversation.
• Be accessible:
Make sure that you are including a Google+ sharing button on your blog, website, and other pages. Also, be sure to have a Google+ social icon with your other icons (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) If you want people to follow your marketing efforts on Google+, they have to be aware that you actually have a Google+ account.
• Use Google+ Hangouts:
Google+ hangouts can be public or private. They include: webinars, workshops, Q&A’s, etc. There is a whole range of possibilities here to stay social with your Google+ followers. This is a great way to promote engagement and to stay relevant.
The key is to remember that not every social media site is the same. There are different ways to engage with followers on each different platform. Some marketing tactics work on one site that definitely wouldn’t work on another. Google+ has a different type of audience than Facebook. Users on Google+ are looking for different content than what they can find on Facebook or Twitter. Be sure you’re the one that is providing the type of content that your audience is looking for.
What is your Google+ marketing plan? Any specifics rules of thumb that you tend to follow when engaging with followers on Google+? Anything you try to stray away from? Leave us a comment below with your practices!
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