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Sprocket Is Celebrating!
The Sprocket Report
We’ve nicknamed this week’s newsletter “The Birthday Issue” because we’re celebrating a lot of births around the office. Making sure to post exciting updates is about as social as social media can be, but that’s the extent of the technical tips we’re giving today. Instead, we want to share our news!
Every issue of The Sprocket Report features a post by Breanne Sagen, one of our crack social media content writers. With her second child due later this month, Breanne stockpiled some articles and left helpful notes so the rest of us could fill in for her during her maternity leave. Well, it’s a good thing Breanne planned so far ahead because her leave started earlier than expected!
While a tiny bit
over-eager, Little Norah Vivian made her successful debut on Monday, June 9, weighing in at 6 lbs., 1.6 oz. Momma and baby are doing well and celebrating with Daddy and big sister Clara.
Tuesday morning, June 10, not long after The Sprocket Report newsletter was sent out, yet another thrilling debut took place. Sprocket partners Jim and Susan finally see the faces of Baby A and Baby B in person rather than via ultrasound technology. Benjamin Edward and Alexandra Jean made their long-awaited appearances at 8:44 and 8:45am. The babies are doing fine and Momma and Daddy are looking forward to busy days ahead. 
Susan was still teaching spin classes up until a week ago, so we don’t anticipate it will be long before she’s back in fighting form, working in front of her computer wearing one twin in a carrier while Jim works at his computer wearing the other.
You’d think that would be enough birthday celebrations, but not for Sprocket! It also happens to be the fourth anniversary of our official incorporation. Back in June of 2010, the four of us – Jim and Susan from J&S Tech Designs and Don and Kate from Gnu Ventures Company – formalized our working relationship.
We met through the Naperville Chamber of Commerce at a networking event and discovered that we both ran website development companies. Rather than becoming competitors, we started working on projects together. The partnership worked well and by joining forces we gained greater leverage to take on bigger projects than either company could handle alone.
“June is bustin’ out all over,” as the song goes and the future certainly looks bright from here. Chicago’s finally green rather than snow-covered, we have three new babies to coo over and Sprocket is excited to start a fifth year in business. We have much to be thankful for, including our clients who have trusted us to be their internet marketing partners. Here’s to a year of healthy growing for Sprocket, for our clients and for those new babies! Let’s celebrate!
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Kate Gingold
I have been writing a blog with web marketing tips and techniques every other week since 2003. In addition to blogging and client content writing, I write books and a blog on local history.
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I have been writing a blog with web marketing tips and techniques every other week since 2003. In addition to blogging and client content writing, I write books and a blog on local history.
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