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Beef It Up For Graph Search
DIY Sprocket Solutions
We’ve already discussed Facebook’s Graph Search’s plot to take over the world: here. Now, lets dive a little deeper into how your business should be rearranging itself a bit to get the most out of those search results. If you want to be noticed, you have to stand out a bit.
- Update your “about” section. Make sure your location is listed. Make sure you are clear about what it is that you do, where you are, and who your customers are. If you want a search engine to find you then you’re going to have to appear relevant to the items people are actually searching for. Make sure your phone numbers/URLs/whatever else you have going on are updated.
- Encourage activity. The more friends have liked/shared/checked-in etc. your page the better. The graph search allows people to see how popular you are with their group of friends. So be popular. Get a picture shared around, or a status, or make sure people are checking in. Just be as social as possible and hope that people are social in return.
- Consider localizing your strategy. Graph search will direct users to extremely personalized results based on their profile information. Instead of being directed to a corporate page, people will be directed to a more local page of the same company. Ex: Taco Bell. Instead of being directed to Taco Bell’s corporate page, you’ll be directed to the Taco Bell two blocks from your house.
- Try to get around. You’ll need to find out what other places/businesses your customers would be checking in to and be visible there as well. If you’re a burger place, get friendly on the local milkshake place’s page. Maybe someone looking for a milkshake will decide they need a burger as well. And hey look, there you are.
- Check out what Wikipedia says about you. Pieces of information about your business on Wikipedia (if you’re on Wikipedia) are made available through graph search. So get on there and make sure that the information being provided is accurate and up to date.
There you go my friends, get out there and beefing yourself up for the competition. Cover the basics and grow from there. Do your friends a favor and share this article so they can get beefy too.
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