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5 Ways to Make Your Blog Cool[er]
DIY Sprocket Solutions
This article has been updated on 8/4/2020 with the article entitled “5 Simple Tips that Give Your Blog a Leg Up.”
So, you’re a big bad blogger now? Well good for you! Sort of… Hey, people are always looking for ways to improve. For all I know, you’re perfect and you’ve already enacted all of these tips I’m about to share. If that’s the case, you’re just going to force me to make another list folks. And if you haven’t noticed from any past posts… like: here, here, and here. I like my lists.
So let’s dive in, you’ve Gotten Bloggy, have you? Let’s clean you up a bit.
- Use social media. I know, first tip and already 50 people just simultaneously smacked themselves in the forehead. “Is this chick serious? No one is not on social media.” Well my friends, you’re wrong, not everyone is linking their pretty little blogs in a completely simple and beneficial way to share their thoughts and feelings with the rest of the world wide web. If you are one of the very, very few who missed the Facebook/Twitter train –it’s coming back around to pick you up, dust off the shame and please hop on it.
- Respond to your readers. Yes, this is mandatory. No, you don’t get to be anti-social. This isn’t your diary, it’s a public blog. You’ve invited folks for a front row seat to whatever it is that you’re writing about, so please have the decency to respond to their questions / concerns / random “hey, I llllove your blog!” comments.
- Network other bloggers. If you’re blogging for business, treat your fellow bloggers like you would any other business associates. NETWORK your hearts out. Maybe you’ll cozy up to a nice “I have 12,974 readers” blog and maybe they’ll give you a shameless plug. You’re welcome for the 12,974 new subscribers. Feel free to thank me with my own shameless plug.
- Throw them for a loop! Try a contest, sweepstake, trivia questions, etc, etc, etc. By now, they know your routine, they know what to expect. Sorry, but sometimes we get stale. Keep your readers on their toes and throw a little spice into the mix. Who knows, now that you’re linked up to Twitter / other blogs and now that you actually speak to your readers –maybe they’ll share the heck out of you and you’ll gain a whole new following.
- Stick to your schedule! No one’s perfect, you might miss a blog or three. But if you’ve got a loyal fan base going, they’re keeping an eye out for their daily / weekly / monthly fix. Don’t let that connection grow out-dated and don’t phase yourself out. Make a schedule, stick to it as best you can, reap the rewards.
Like I said before, don’t dare me to make another list –I think it’s hardwired into my DNA by now. Since I am actually in the social media world, share me with your friends. Since I do respond to my readers, leave me a comment. Since I am into networking, consider this my hello and feel free to mention me to 1,000 of your closest friends. I’ll bring the scrabble. Good luck bloggers!
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