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Brickkicker Site Brings Customization to a Whole New Level
Custom Design, Easy to Use, Convenient
If you’re looking for a website that epitomizes the phrase “Custom Design”, look no further than the website we designed for Brickkicker. All of the functionality on this site was done with custom code. The site started as a corporate brochure. With the help of the DotNetNuke (DNN) user system and a series of DNN Modules, the site was completely customized from top to bottom.
By using off the shelf components, Sprocket Websites was able to provide what was once a custom solution. With features as interactive as guiding visitors to the site of the nearest office location to providing the ability to upload all necessary forms to the site –the site has been a huge success. The main benefit to Brickkicker appears to be less concern over underlying code. The website is able to stay up to date as technology unfolds. We’re discussing micro sites, franchises and mobile versions of the site. Any new capabilities that are necessary to be added on as technology changes and as needs change will not a cause for completely restarting the website.
A few major aspects to the site include taking all communication which was once custom forms and now using dynamic forms from Data Springs. Another unique feature of the site allows the capability of Brickkicker to upload the product that they actually sell. Because they are home inspectors they can go to someone’s house, write a detailed report, and the website allows them to upload that report and get it straight to the home owner and the realtor.
Visit their Home Page. Visit /Chicago. Visit their Chicago office web page.
We have been involved with Brickkicker before Sprocket was “Sprocket”. In the beginning, we presented them with the concept of using a developmental framework.custom. Having previously had PHP, we explained to them the difference between PHP and DNN. The scenario being similar to building an art project with toothpicks vs. legos –they chose to switch over to DNN. It was very important to them, especially since they had just invested in a new look, to keep the new look with the DNN website. So, we created a custom skin that was pixel for pixel what they had before.
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