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Keep Your Website Content Fresh to Stay Searchable
DIY Sprocket Solutions
This is an update to "Lights, Camera, CONTENT" dated 11/07/2012.
When planning out how you’re going to pull your website together (and even after you already have it all together!) remember that the content on your site is absolutely one of the most important components. Consider this: Search engines like Google are out there scouring the web trying to find relevant, fresh, and substantial content with which to fill their searches. What does this mean for your business website? You need to update your content, do it often, and keep it relevant to what your customers are looking for.
Perhaps one of the most essential points here is putting yourself in your customers' shoes. What terms and topics are you posting on your site? Are these relevant to the search terms and topics your customers are using? This can be a little tricky at times. You want to be positive that the terms you’re using are those that your customers are searching with – not necessarily the jargon that you use to describe your product or service. My advice? First identify your target audience, then decide what content and which terms fit the audience you are trying to reach.
Is having an easily accessible, efficient, and informative website important? YES! What’s also important? Keeping the content on that site up to date so that both customers and search engines alike will want to know more about what you’re selling. Search engines are looking for fresh and relevant content to give to the people who are searching. If your content hasn’t been updated in six months, your name is less likely to be the first to pop up in a Google search. Also, if a customer is looking for a great restaurant in the area and your coupons expired two years ago, chances are the customer is going to pick another place. Sometimes you have to look through the eyes of a customer and ask yourself, “What would I expect to find when I search for this?” Does your site fulfill your own expectations?
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The Sprocket Team
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