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How Hootsuite Saved my Sanity
DIY Sprocket Solutions
Hootsuite saves my life, sanity, the happiness and well-being of those around me on a daily basis. Dramatic much? Perhaps, but I’ll tell you this - anything on this planet that saves both time and money on a consistent basis is a win in my book. So how does Hootsuite save me? How does this delectable tool keep me coming back for more? Well, I’ll tell you.
- It’s Saved me from Arthritis: “Seriously?!” Well no, probably not. But that’s what it feels like when I am updating 10 different social network streams (literally) 3-5 times a day, in one day, every single day. I don’t have to log into Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn over and over and over and over until my fingers fall off. I don’t have to open 67 tabs and click back and forth until my wrists seize up. I can log into one place and handle 10 different streams at once. I don’t think Superman even has those capabilities.
- It’s Saved me from a Massive Headache: This one is quite literal. I can schedule messages to go out at any time, day or night, rain or shine, etc. etc. etc. If necessary, I can schedule all 10 of my social networks to be updated at once. My furiously flying fingers could never accomplish that previously. And, because I can schedule my messages to go out ahead of time (and keep track of when things are going out/what’s already gone out/change things when necessary) I’m not constantly racking my brain to try to keep track of all the different networks/messages/updates. It organizes scheduled messages for me and I can look over my nice, neat, and tidy list without a throbbing headache. Amazing it is.
- It’s Saved me an Unbelievable Amount of Time: Back in the dark ages, when I first started this whole social media shin dig, I only had 4 accounts to update. It. Took. Me. Forever. 9am? Great! Let me zip over to Twitter, sign in, post and update, reply to any mentions, etc. Ok now let me head over to Google+, sign in, survey the land, post, respond, sign out. Time for Facebook! Sign in, post and update, check replies/likes/mentions, sign out. Whoops, can’t forget LinkedIn! Sign in, post an update, check out what’s going on, update/respond/etc. sign out. Phew. Glad that’s done. Except that I have to repeat all of those steps in 30 min because that just took me roughly 45 min to get through. I was a slave to social media and it was eating me alive.
Fast forward to today. Sign into Hootsuite. All of my streams are right there. Schedule all my messages to go out. Check back in periodically to RT, reply, etc. Saves over half the time spent. Wonderful.
- It’s Saved me with Random Other things: Shortens links, adds photos, schedules messages, adds video, posts to specific groups (ex: in Google+). I would probably only be minimally shocked if it gave me the capability to fly next week.
So maybe you’re thinking that this sounds like some kind of crazy Hootsuite promo, and that’s cool if that’s what you think. I’m just sharing exactly what I use on a daily basis. This little program saves my sanity. It has plenty of other great tools that I didn’t even touch on, but if I’m going to write a book –I’m gonna need another cup of coffee. Pass this along, Tweet me, Share me, and send carrier pigeon. There are folks still stuck in the dark ages. Let’s help them one share at a time. I mean really, who doesn’t want creepy little owl eyes staring back at them every morning? I find it quite comforting…
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The Sprocket Team
Breanne is a Content Writer, Social Media Marketeer, and Sales Associate for Sprocket Websites.
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