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Sprocket Websites - Blog / News / Updates

It Takes A Fork To Stir A Community…

It is nice to see the community talking.

James Nagy 0 7647 Article rating: No rating

There has been some talk about DotNetNuke and Windows Azure for quite some time, so the topic isn’t really new. However to learn about DNN putting specific effort and custom code into getting DNN Evoq running on Azure was - thought provoking.

Windows Azure has never been important to Sprocket Websites. We know what it is, we know what it does, but it just doesn’t fit our business model or our customer’s business model. We host numerous websites through PowerDNN and...

Business in the Clouds

DNN Hosting Issues Not Just Technical

Don Gingold 0 3735 Article rating: No rating

Our friends and key hosting supplier PowerDNN wrote a cautionary blog post about DNN Evoq Cloud. There was a flurry of responses and a bit of drama attributed to it in DNN circles, and it prompted a followup post. There was further talk about that one. So lately in the DNN blogosphere it's not been business as usual, but it has been all about business. Here's what I mean.

Knowing More Makes Your Website Less Dangerous

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 0 2777 Article rating: No rating

With the speed that technology changes, too often we just have to jump in and pick it up as we go along. Sometimes that means we miss a few of the details that might help us grasp the bigger picture. “I know enough to be dangerous” is no longer a joke when your website starts killing your business, so here’s the super simple CliffsNotes to help you make the right web-building decisions.

Constant Contact in a Nutshell

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 7583 Article rating: 3.7
I've seen a lot of Constant Contact news pop up around lately.  For a company that's been around over 15 years, many of you probably know all about Constant Contact and what they can do for you.  For those that don't however, let me take a sec to share just what it is that their operation does and how it might be able to benefit you. 

Reinvented DNN

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz

Kate Gingold 0 3427 Article rating: No rating
DotNetNuke is now DNN and www.dotnetnuke.com is now www.dnnsoftware.com. In addition to a whole bunch of new logo designs, there will be a few things to learn and experiment with. We'll keep you posted!

5 Small Business Apps You Shouldn't Live Without

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3740 Article rating: No rating
Running a small business is no piece of cake. For all of you out there currently trying to run a successful business -you know this already.  Don't roll your eyes and walk off muttering about my poor choice for a first sentence just yet though. What you might not know is that there are several apps out there currently that have been tested, retested, and have provided a whole heck of a lot of benefits to their users. Why add unnecessary stress to your already "want-to-pull-my-hair-out" life? You certainly don't have to. I'm telling you, these apps are pretty great. What are they you ask?  Well, keep reading friends and I'll tell you.

Pinterest For Your Business - Best Applied Practices: Part 2

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3808 Article rating: No rating
Alright, now that you're familiar with Pinterest from our first part of the post here -we can now dive a little deeper into making Pinterest work for your business.  One of the most interesting things I've found so far in personal Pinterest vs. business Pinterest is that it's actually important to be extremely similar in your two approaches.  People want personable profiles -no one likes to feel like they're being sold, poached, etc.  Solution? Put your pins to work.

Pinterest For Your Business - Best Applied Practices: Part 1

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3349 Article rating: No rating

Well folks, I've already jumped up on my soap box and screamed from the rafters to let you in on the many benefits of using a Pinterest business page.  You can find that in this post here.  Today, however, I'd like to help you put your plan into motion and let you know how exactly it is that you can make Pinterest work for your brand.  These steps are important so make sure you listen close and take notes.  Or just print/save this page.  That kind of makes more sense - and saves paper as well.


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