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Social Media Marketing: Using Music Without Legal Issues
DIY Sprocket Solutions
Social media marketing is now all encompassing. Brands are using content, images, video, and music to market themselves to the best of their abilities. Although the internet can seem like a wide open free for all to some –there are more and more rules and regulations popping up. The relaxed environment of social media allows us to forget sometimes that we cannot use any content for any purpose at any time. Laws do apply to online marketing and marketers have to be careful to adhere to them.
There are some brands getting into trouble for using music without proper permissions, but there are ways to avoid this. Using popular music in your social media marketing strategy should not be thrown out altogether. You just have to be cautious and informed.
Your best bet will always be to either come up with original music or, for the vast majority of us with no ability in this field, use stock music and buy the rights to the music that you are using. A lot of people get into trouble because they are using video editing apps. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t use them –it’s just to say that you have to be aware that you still need to own the rights to the music. Most of these apps come with the option to add music to your posts. Because of this, people think that it’s alright to add any music. If it’s an option on the app, it must be okay to use right? Wrong.
Most of these apps are assuming that you are creating original content for personal use. This does not cover you for using a popular song in the background to use for marketing purposes. You don’t own the rights to the music that you are using; therefore, you’re in muddy waters. Our recommendation is to use stock music by buying the rights to the music or creating original music if you can. Music definitely adds to your content, so I don’t think that you should shy away from it. Just market responsibly. Don’t land yourself in legal trouble for using music that you don’t own the rights to.
Have you had any experience using music in your social media marketing? Was it good or bad? Have you run into any legal issues? What have you learned? Comment below!
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