What’s the secret? What’s the magic trick that gets all the balls rolling in the right direction? The secret is, there is no secret. The trick is, there are no tricks. No magic pill. No puff of green smoke. If you want success, you’re going to have to work for it. There are, however, a few tips that keep popping up –over and over and over. I can either whack you over the head with a wooden mallet to get your attention –or you can start listening to the advice that’s been there all along. Up to you. It’s your headache; it’s your choice. Since people these days are in a hurry and heck –maybe you’ve got an awful memory; I’ll just go ahead and make a nice neat list for you. Pin this to your computer, your desk, or your forehead. I won’t judge. Successful small businesses are made up of a little bit of sweat, a dash of tears, a heap of stress, and a whole ‘lotta determination.