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5 No-Brainers That Make a Successful Small Business
DIY Sprocket Solutions
What’s the secret? What’s the magic trick that gets all the balls rolling in the right direction? The secret is, there is no secret. The trick is, there are no tricks. No magic pill. No puff of green smoke. If you want success, you’re going to have to work for it. There are, however, a few tips that keep popping up –over and over and over. I can either whack you over the head with a wooden mallet to get your attention –or you can start listening to the advice that’s been there all along. Up to you. It’s your headache; it’s your choice. Since people these days are in a hurry and heck –maybe you’ve got an awful memory; I’ll just go ahead and make a nice neat list for you. Pin this to your computer, your desk, or your forehead. I won’t judge. Successful small businesses are made up of a little bit of sweat, a dash of tears, a heap of stress, and a whole ‘lotta determination.
Things you need to do:
- Delegate – Do you want to keel over from the stress of the world on your shoulders? Good, me neither. If you want your small business to run smoothly you’ve got to realize that you cannot do it all, by yourself, forever. As your success grows, your workload also grows and so should your list of delegated tasks. Don’t spread yourself too thin or you’ll burn out. Collaborate with others, surround yourself with superstar workers, and let them help you continue to grow.
- Smile –Love what you do, every. single. day. Does this mean that it has to be rainbows, butterflies, and tap dancing penguins every day? Absolutely not. Love isn’t always pretty. Sometimes love makes us want to throw things and pull our hair out. Just be passionate about what you do. Use that passion to drive your business forward, onward, and upward.
- Plan Ahead –Successful entrepreneurs need to have a long term vision and short term goals to help make that vision possible. Plan for projects, plan for cash flow, plan for disastrous “probably-won’t-ever-happen-until-it-does” situations. Plan Ahead.
- Keep Learning –Don’t be such a know it all. No really, don’t. Consider yourself to be always learning and always growing. Times are changing constantly –all around us. Instead of letting the change terrify you –grab onto it. Sometimes you’ve got to look around and see what everyone else around you is doing right and figure out what your steps need to be to get there too. That doesn’t mean you have to take the same cookie-cutter path. It just means you need to open your mind to change.
- Be the “Can-Do” Guy (Or Gal) –“Think Positive.” “Your belief in your success will get you there.” “Just Do It!” Okay… you get the picture. Don’t just be the “big idea” guy; be the “let’s make it happen” guy. No excuses. Or at the very least, if you are the “big idea” guy –go make friends with the “can-do” guy. I predict big things for your future… Or some really big flops. I hope you two are very happy together. You’ll be riding off into the sunset together –delegating tasks, smiling a lot, planning ahead, learning new things. What a life!
You’re welcome folks. What would you add to the list? Leave me a comment, let me know!
This article has been updated on 11/10/2020 with the article entitled “Face-Palming Tips of Successful Small Business Owners.”
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The Sprocket Team
Breanne is a Content Writer, Social Media Marketeer, and Sales Associate for Sprocket Websites.
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