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5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know You Could Do When Marketing on Facebook

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 8302 Article rating: No rating

This article has been updated on 9/4/2019 with the article entitled “Have You Seen the Changes in these Facebook Tools?"

Facebook has been around for a bit. By now, most of us believe that we know the ins and outs like the back of our hand. Maybe that’s true, maybe we know the ropes, but I’ll just bet that there are a few tricks that you haven’t uncovered yet. When it comes to marketing your business on Facebook, things are constantly changing. Facebook is working to keep up with the competition which works in your favor. You’ve got to work to keep up with your own competition. Here are a few things you can use for your marketing strategy that you might not have known about.

Top 5 Online Marketing Trends Predicted to Rule in 2014

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 5742 Article rating: No rating
As we know, the internet –living and breathing –is ever changing. Our relationship and the way that we maneuver around the online world is also in a constant state of change. So, what’s on the horizon in the coming year? How can we expect marketing to adapt to and grow?

How to Think Like an Entrepreneur

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 6516 Article rating: 4.7
We’re not all destined to jump out into the world and invent the next IPad. It just may not in the cards for everyone. Just because you’re not going to go full on Elon Musk on us doesn’t mean that you can’t get your head into the entrepreneurial mindset and use some of those same thoughts to propel you farther in whatever career it is that you want to thrive at. And who knows, maybe you are the next great visionary. Maybe you’ll be the entrepreneur of the millennia –but first, you’ve got to start thinking like one.

Time Management: Staying Efficient

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3465 Article rating: 5.0
As the days start getting shorter we start feeling like we are getting less and less done during the day. There are never enough hours in a day to get everything accomplished that needs to get done. This doesn’t mean that we can’t use the time that we have to stay productive. We just need to shake things up a bit. So go on –grab yourself a cup of joe, splash some water on your face, and have yourself a stretch. It’s time to settle in and get some things done. What’s that you say? Running in circles with no direction as the hours pass by? Chill. You panicking about the 17 things you need to do but don’t have time for is definitely not helping.

Handling Stress in the Workplace

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4140 Article rating: No rating
Listen, we've all been there.  Running around like a crazy person putting out fire after fire, hopping from one project to the next, and spreading ourselves way too thin to feel like we're actually accomplishing any task successfully from start to finish.  If every day is turning into a crisis in the workplace, you've got to take a step back and re-evaluate.  It's time to take a look around and see what you can tweak, adjust, cut out, start doing differently, etc. to turn your hours of work chaos into meaningful time spent that doesn't leave you wiped.

Conducting Business in Crisis Situations

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3771 Article rating: No rating
On the 12th anniversary 9/11, I am reminded of the importance of compassion, respect, and validation not just from the every day Joe putting information out into the world, but also from the businesses, brands, etc. who are involved socially on the internet. Because there are times, both in life and in business, when we as people have to take a step back and assess the situation in front of us. We have to be cautious of our approach to sensitive situations and we have to remember that, although we are speaking through a brand, we are still speaking to other human beings during a very sensitive time.

Are You Failing to Put Your Customers First?

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4548 Article rating: No rating
Customers. You've worked hard to build your business and you should have found out by now that there is a necessary component to your success. Customers. The common denominator between a giant rise to profit and the greatest plummet to failure. Customers. Here's my point folks, sometimes we build and build and build -finally get to that "hey, we're successful" part -and then seem to forget exactly who it was that put us in that position in the first place.

5 Signs That You Need Help Managing Your Social Media & Online Presence

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 6630 Article rating: 4.6

We all know by now that being social these days seems to be translated into the average number of comments you give or receive on social media on a daily basis.  Whether we like it or not, this is the new norm.  Connecting via tweet, blog post, comment, tag, etc. is the new phone call or drop by that we used to give to check in on our friends and clients.  Social shifts aside, this digital world is an opportunity for business owners. Online marketing, specifically on social media, is a free admission fish tank full of free bait to dangle in front of fresh fish -I mean customers...  The problem is this: there are only so many hours in a day.  There, I've said it. The secret is out.  You may not have the time to successfully market your business on social media while simultaneously running that same business.  Luckily, there are other options.

Facebook Introduces Embedded Posts

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4330 Article rating: No rating
In the name of all things social media, I thought I'd catch you all up on what's going on in Facebook's slice of the universe this week.  Turns out, Facebook has decided to introduce a social plugin that allow users to embed posts on their blogs and websites.  What are embedded posts?

Constant Contact in a Nutshell

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 7584 Article rating: 3.7
I've seen a lot of Constant Contact news pop up around lately.  For a company that's been around over 15 years, many of you probably know all about Constant Contact and what they can do for you.  For those that don't however, let me take a sec to share just what it is that their operation does and how it might be able to benefit you. 

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