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Beef It Up For Graph Search

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3885 Article rating: 5.0

We’ve already discussed Facebook’s Graph Search’s plot to take over the world: here.  Now, lets dive a little deeper into how your business should be rearranging itself a bit to get the most out of those search results.  If you want to be noticed, you have to stand out a bit.

Move It Or Lose It!

Breanne Bannon 0 4267 Article rating: No rating

I read blog articles, news stories, and other random web nonsense every day of the week.  Some are memorable; some not so memorable.  Do you know what I don’t read?  That news story you never shared.  That blog post that you never put on your Twitter or Facebook?  I’ve never read it.  Between checking my email, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, and EZines on ten minute rotations –I don’t have time to go searching the darkest corners of the internet for your recipe on the world’s largest soufflé.

Unconventional Networking

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4822 Article rating: No rating

More networking?! Yes my friends… more networking.  Unfortunately for you anti-socials out there, contacts don’t generally fall out of the sky.  And we’ve talked about putting yourself out there and NetWORKing… but where are you going?  Where are these connections being made these days?  The answers might surprise you.

5 Ways to Make Your Blog Cool[er]

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4145 Article rating: No rating

So, you’re a big bad blogger now?  Well good for you!  Sort of… Hey, people are always looking for ways to improve. For all I know, you’re perfect and you’ve already enacted all of these tips I’m about to share.  If that’s the case, you’re just going to force me to make another list folks.  And if you haven’t noticed from any past posts… like: here, here, and here.  I like my lists.

Brickkicker Site Brings Customization to a Whole New Level

Custom Design, Easy to Use, Convenient

Breanne Bannon 0 3584 Article rating: No rating

If you’re looking for a website that epitomizes the phrase “Custom Design”, look no further than the website we designed for Brickkicker.  All of the functionality on this site was done with custom code.  The site started as a corporate brochure.  With the help of the DotNetNuke (DNN) user system and a series of DNN Modules, the site was completely customized from top to bottom. 

This is MY Domain

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4144 Article rating: No rating
DOMAIN NAMES! I’m yelling because it’s super important. Picking the right domain name for your site means a lot, and people will notice –or not notice for that matter.  Here are a few tips to (hopefully) steer you in the right direction.  Or, if you’d like, you can completely ignore everything I say and hope for  the best.  The choice is yours.  In the meantime, take a gander at my tips.

More Bang for Your Buck

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 5197 Article rating: No rating

For the real people of the world, for the we're not exactly what you'd call millionaires, for the small business owners, for the just starting out-ers: Get Your Money’s Worth!  If you only have $20 to bring to the grocery store, don’t walk in and grab a box of $20 gourmet cookies and walk out.  You don’t have any milk to dip those cookies in, the cookies have nuts and you don’t even like nuts, and for the record –they don’t even taste good.  Your mission was not a success.  On the flip side of that coin, don’t walk in and grab 20 items from the dollar section either.  You don’t need a tiny rubber spatula or mini slinky that will get tangled before you leave the store.  Get what you need.

Why Go Mobile?

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4002 Article rating: No rating

Let’s say you’ve taken my advice by now, you’ve got a successfully running website that is driving traffic to your business. Perfect! Now, let’s talk about taking that next step.  You might be saying to yourself: What’s the point in going mobile? People can still bring me up on their phones if they are searching for me on the internet… To that I would promptly pick you up and shake you. OK, maybe I wouldn’t go that far.  But the appearance of your website is pretty important. Both on AND off the computer. So when a customer visits your site on their phone, if it’s all scattered around, hard to maneuver, or full of information that’s probably not useful to them on the go, they are going to move on.  Their thumbs can only take so much browsing on those tiny screens.  It’s 2013, let’s catch up with the times.  There are hundreds of millions of mobile phone users in the U.S. alone. About 9 out of 10 have access to the internet on their phones. What are you doing to win them over?

Facebook Graph Search: For or Against?

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 2 3987 Article rating: No rating

Everyone is talking about this new Facebook Graph Search.  Talk makes it seem like it’s taking over the world, slashing privacy to death, and burying Google in the backyard.  But, what’s the real story?  I would show you some great screens shots and walk you through the process… However, we’re going to have to save that for part 2 my friends –as I am still on the waiting list to dive into this particular treasure.  I feel like going on Facebook and really beefing up my profile so they will pick me first for the team.  So what is it, exactly, that all the buzz is about?  What is this search supposed to do and what does that mean for you? Perhaps most importantly, can it help your business?

Twitter Round 2: Top 5 Twitter Faux Pas

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4174 Article rating: No rating

Way back when, I was a twitter newbie.  By way back when, I mean about 4 months ago.  At the time I was just getting used to the wonderful world of Twitter.  These days, I’m feeling pretty comfortable maneuvering my way around the tweets and hashtags.  But, in true Sprocket Solutions style.  I’ve got a few twitter faux pas that it’s best to stay (run) away from.


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