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Top Mobile Marketing Necessities
DIY Sprocket Solutions
This article has been updated on 2/15/2022 with the article entitled “Some of You Are Still Making these Mobile Marketing Mistakes.”
We live in a time where many people are much more likely to grab their phone before grabbing their computers. We travel everywhere with a tiny computer in our back pocket that has all the same power of the internet on a small, compact, and portable little screen. That is, until we arrive at your website (or can’t find your website at all). Here comes the frustration. We can’t find what we’re looking for, when we finally do find it we can’t click on it, etc. etc. etc.
Here are the top 3 musts when it comes to your mobile marketing strategies. Don’t limit yourself to this list. Go crazy. Get creative.
But please for the love of all that is good, make sure you have these 3 boxes checked:
Allow Your Customers to Find You:
Stop playing hard to get –seriously. Claim your Google+ page. Make sure your online listings (like Yelp, FourSquare, etc.) are claimed, updated, and cleaned up. I am on my cell phone and I am searching for a hardware store. I have a 30 second attention span. I don’t have the time or the patience to sort through your mess of an online presence. Clean it up, get it together, and make sure the information listed for your business is correct.
Have a Responsive Web Design:
NO really, make it responsive. Want to know the quickest way to give someone the urge to throw their phone through a window? Have a website with your phone number or email listed and don’t let us click it through. What the heck am I talking about? If I click on your phone number, I want it to open up my dialing screen and have the number ready to go for me. If I’m searching from my phone, chances are I’m in a hurry. I’m obviously not sitting at my computer. I need a phone number and I don’t have the time, ability, or patience to pop back and forth from the internet screen to the dialing screen trying to memorize your phone number. Fix it.
Be as Accessible and User Friendly as the Next Guy (or Gal):
Go with the flow here. I’m talking everything from video clip lengths to the ability to find the phone number of your business on your site to having an actual mobile site developed for mobile devices. It’s okay to look around and see what other companies (with great mobile strategies) are doing to make things convenient for their customers. It’s alright to scope out the competition and learn from their successes. Your actual marketing campaign and strategies will be your own, but make sure that you’re rocking the basics as well as everyone else.
Are any of you currently, and actively, keeping up your mobile marketing presence? What have been your successes and frustrations? Share below!
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The Sprocket Team
Breanne is a Content Writer, Social Media Marketeer, and Sales Associate for Sprocket Websites.
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