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How Long Does Content Last and How Frequently Should You Post on Social Media?

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 6 63048 Article rating: 3.9

I saw an interesting graphic recently that outlined how long content lasts. It broke down several of the top online marketing avenues: a blog post, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. What did it find? That each of these marketing platforms have a different expiration date for content.

Want Your Content and Social Media Posts Found? Consider How Your Audience Searches

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3116 Article rating: 4.3

A large portion of content marketing and social media marketing is actually developing that content and those social media posts. Once you have the original content and the relevant and interesting social media posts created, what’s next? If you build it, they will come. Right? In theory, this may be true, but in reality if you want your content and social media posts to be found you have to consider the way that your target audience is searching for comparable information online.

Top Marketing Trends of 2018

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 1 2518 Article rating: 4.3

There has been a lot of buzz in the marketing world about what we can expect to see in the coming year. With the speed and direction of online marketing constantly increasing and changing, there are plenty of opportunities for online marketers to be on the lookout for. Now is when you should be knee deep in strategic planning for the next year. The end of the year is a great time to take inventory of what went right, be aware of areas that can be improved, and to predict the new trends for the upcoming year. 

Outsourcing Social Media Marketing for the Holidays or Busy Season

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 1 2933 Article rating: 4.5

Much in the same way that businesses hire on additional help for the busy holiday season, outsourcing work like social media marketing can be a smart way to stay ahead of the game. When is your busiest season or time(s) of year? Are you spread in a million directions at once? Most small business owners have great ideas, great intentions, and great plans. The problem is having enough hours in a day to successfully execute all of those ideas, intentions, and plans.

Incorporating Reviews into Social Media Marketing Strategy

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 2420 Article rating: 4.3

Your company may have some great testimonials and feedback. These are perfect (and free!) advertisements for your business. The question is –how do you effectively incorporate those reviews into a social media strategy that will help you to grow your customer base? In every part of marketing, audience is imperative to your success. You have to define your target audience before you can put together any sort of social strategy –reviews and testimonials included.


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