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Top 5 Social Media Marketing Articles of 2016
DIY Sprocket Solutions
As 2016 flies to a close, it’s time to ramp up for a new year in marketing. We can’t go forward without looking back, so here are DIY Sprocket Solutions’ top articles of 2016. If there are any you missed, now is your chance to catch up and formulate a marketing plan going into the coming year.
Marketing with Facebook’s New Slideshow Feature
For the New Year this past year, Facebook had a “Year in Review” feature that allowed users to create short films out of the top moments they’d shared throughout the year. This feature was a huge success and wildly popular among Facebook users. As a way to encourage people to share more videos, Facebook introduced a new slideshow feature that takes your photos and videos on Facebook and turns them into a short movie. These short clips can be customized with different themes and with music. The idea was created to help Facebook take a step towards turning the social network into a video-first destination. The result actually has some great potential and benefits to social media marketers.
Facebook Canvas: What is it & Why do You Need it?
In February, Facebook announced a new feature being hailed as the evolution of mobile advertising. This feature is called Canvas. In their own words, “Facebook Canvas is an immersive and expressive experience on Facebook for businesses to tell their stories and showcase their products”. Well, that’s certainly not vague at all. So, what can it do exactly and what are the possibilities for marketing?
Ways to Lose Mobile Users – FAST
Here, in the age of mobile internet, you may think that it’s nearly impossible to lose mobile readers. Well, you’d be wrong about that. Even though a vast majority of people are checking in while on the go, an increasing number of people are getting fed up with certain annoyances associated with reading articles or visiting websites when using their phones. What are these huge annoyances?
Twitter Dashboard
Twitter Dashboard is a new app and marketing tool that Twitter has introduced to help businesses. The purpose is to allow you to better understand, engage, and grow your audience on Twitter –exactly what a marketer is looking for. As a social media marketer, I appreciate Twitter continuing to grow tools that help brands improve performance on the platform. It really is targeted towards the management of Twitter business accounts. So, how does it work?
Instagram is More Engaging to Brands Than Twitter
If you’re questioning what platforms would be best for you to boost your brand on social media, you may want to look no further than Instagram. In a recent study, Instagram was shown to bring 57 times more brand engagement than Twitter! This is huge if you’re looking to have your business seen and talked about. So, would your business benefit from being on Instagram?
What have been your favorite marketing moments of 2016 been? What are you looking forward to in the upcoming year? We want to hear from you - comment below!
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