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Posting Job Openings on LinkedIn

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 2965 Article rating: No rating
Considering it is a social network full of professionals across countless fields –LinkedIn seems like the perfect place to post any job openings your company may have. Whether your company is simply looking for extra talent or a main goal of your social media strategy is to attract specific employees, posting a job listing to LinkedIn is a great way to receive new applicants.

Social Media Marketing: Handling Trolls and Negativity

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 2717 Article rating: 4.5
Keeping a troll free community for your business and brand online can be difficult. People, sometimes with zero correlation to your business and nothing but free time, find amusement in posting negative comments and damaging statements. This negativity has a very far reach. It can impact your brand and your brand’s reputation. So, is there a best way to handle trolls and negativity in your social media marketing strategy?

Marketing with Different Types of LinkedIn Ads

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3018 Article rating: No rating
Is your business on LinkedIn? Are you utilizing paid advertising? Many people that are using social media marketing to skyrocket their business are also doing some sort of paid advertising on one or more platforms. Facebook is one of the most popular ad platforms –not everyone considers LinkedIn. They are obviously very different ad platforms, with very different audiences and options, but they share the same essential principles. If an ad is working well on LinkedIn, it will probably work well on Facebook and vice versa.

Social Media Marketing: Defining Success

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3234 Article rating: 2.0
People want results –it’s natural. For those pouring money and resources into a social media marketing and content marketing campaign, they want to see the fruits of that labor. How do you measure success in an avenue that’s not exactly clearly paved? What may count as successful for one business on social media may not be considered successful to another. So, how do you define success?

Using Social Media to Hire Employees

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3109 Article rating: No rating
Recently, I heard a news story relaying how McDonald’s plans to fill 250,000 job openings in the US over the next few months. Good news, but what really caught my attention was the fact that the fast food chain is hoping to fill these jobs with Snapchat’s help. McDonald’s is using Snapchat to hire millenials.

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