High above Lake Buena Vista, Florida, in the cloaked vessel Sprocket Rocket, our dynamic web content duo Sprocketeer and TechMan survey the land around Buena Vista Palace, where #DNNWorld 2012 will be commencing in less than a week.
"Plenty of rooftop, for easy access to the conference, and with it cloaked, the Sprocket Rocket won't be seen" says TechMan.
But the Gallant Gearhead had a different idea. "Don't forget that Sprocket Rocket is submersible, so an underwater lair is NOT out of the question. After all, this is LAKE Buena Vista. Our costumes drip-dry. Maybe we'll meet Aquaman!"
TechMan, always more practical, countered. "Aquaman is usually in the ocean, and certainly not licensed on Disney property. Sub-mariner, maybe. Plus," pointing to the viewfinder looking down on the hotel and the small body of water next to it, "THAT is not Lake Buena Vista. I believe it's a retention pond."
Sprocketeer agreed. "A keen eye, old chum. The rooftop it is. Besides, I don't think they charge for rooftop rocket parking. Not yet at least."
Tune in next time when our heroes check in with LUG, the League of User Groups!