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Email Marketing in 2015

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3871 Article rating: 5.0

No, email marketing is not dead.  In fact, email marketing is kind of huge right now.  I can tell you that with Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Crazy Holiday Deal Madness behind me -I did most of my online shopping based on email marketing campaigns sent from a few stores I frequent online.  I can also tell you that I am a repeat shopper at most of those places online not only because I love their products, but also because they continually send me emails that hit the nail right on the head.  What are they doing right?  I'm glad you asked...

Top 2015 Social Media Predictions

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 1 3778 Article rating: No rating
We’re waving farewell to 2014 and diving headfirst into 2015 –hopefully it’s a good one! Meanwhile, social media is ever growing, ever changing, and ever present. So, what trends can we expect in the New Year? There are several ideas floating around there. We’ll see what you think of them.

2014 End of The Year Wrap Up!

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3783 Article rating: 5.0

As 2014 winds to a close, let’s take a look back before jumping into 2015! We pumped out an article at least every other week for you the whole year through. Let’s glance back at the top 10 DIY Sprocket Solution articles of 2014. Just like last year folks –see the ones you missed, the ones you loved, and the ones we really had no clue would become so popular.

Surviving (And Thriving!) on Black Friday

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4492 Article rating: No rating

Next week is Black Friday and while everyone is scrambling to decide where they're going to spend their money, on what, and how long ahead of time they have to get in line to get it -you should be checking off the boxes to make sure you're up and running for those customers to burst in.  Or click in, if they're just visiting your site...


3 Steps to End Your Day in a Way That Jump Starts Your Morning

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3598 Article rating: 5.0

I work from home.  I'm not sure about you, but there's one thing I want to do when I have 30 things on my to do list for the day.  Clean.  I want to clean the house.  Organize everything all around me.  Why?  To feel organized and in control.  On a day that I'm being pulled in 324 different directions, I want a clear mind, clear living room floor, clear windows... you get the point.  Does it hack away at my to do list for the day?  No.  Does it keep me from pulling out all my hair and throwing the computer out the window?  So far, yes.  So what can you do?  What can you do tame the days you know you might have a crazy-stressedout-meltdown-throwyourcomputeroutthewindow-shovechocolateinyourface kind of day?  Set yourself up for success -start the day before.


Balancing Business, Personal, and Social Media During the Holidays

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3509 Article rating: No rating

The holidays are approaching and social media doesn’t just stop because the date is November 27th or December 25th. Halloween is right around the corner and before we know it we’ll be in full holiday swing. This means several things for brands and companies. The holiday season can be an unbelievably useful marketing time. It’s also an incredibly busy time as well. How do you balance promoting your business and getting through the holidays in your personal life? Priorities –and there are a few that should top your list.

    Top Mobile Marketing Necessities

    DIY Sprocket Solutions

    Breanne Bannon 0 3502 Article rating: No rating

    We live in a time where many people are much more likely to grab their phone before grabbing their computers. We travel everywhere with a tiny computer in our back pocket that has all the same power of the internet on a small, compact, and portable little screen. That is, until we arrive at your website (or can’t find your website at all). Here comes the frustration. We can’t find what we’re looking for, when we finally do find it we can’t click on it, etc. etc. etc.


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