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Top 5 Free Social Media Management Tools

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 5612 Article rating: No rating

Businesses are continually encouraged to keep up with the beast that is social media marketing. More accounts to manage, more users to target, more followers to gain, more engagement, and more content to push. For companies with multiple social media accounts (ex: a Facebook page, Twitter page, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, etc.) managing all those pages by single handedly logging into and updating each one is daunting. Add to the mix businesses like ours that help other companies manage their social media accounts and you’ve got one huge project (and one huge time suck) on your hands. Enter social media management tools. 

Why Content Marketing is so Hot Right Now

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4455 Article rating: No rating

Nobody wants to be pitched to, sold to, advertised at, etc. We’ve been there. We’ve seen and done that. We are in the age of fast forwarding through every commercial –to the point where watching live TV can be downright painful. We skip computer ads. We hang up on telemarketers. We don’t have time for that. We know what we want and, if we’re looking for a certain product or service, we’ll go find it for it ourselves thank you very much. Enter content marketing.

5 Free Infographic Making Sites

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 101208 Article rating: No rating

Infographics have been huge for awhile now. It’s not difficult to tell why –they are great visuals that usually pack a lot of easy to read statistics or facts. Infographics are a great visual cue for the content that you’re providing to your readers. Many times, the infographics themselves are substantial enough to work as relevant content of their own. 

Does Your Website Have a Clear Call to Action?

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3967 Article rating: No rating
It’s important, as small businesses, to connect with customers as much as possible. Whether it’s through face to face networking, social media networking, or just having customers visit your website –you have to take those opportunities to really engage. Question is, what exactly are you saying to your customers?

Is Paid Advertising on Social Media Right For You?

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 1 4818 Article rating: No rating

The past few weeks I’ve been dipping my toes into the paid advertising arena on social media, trying out a few different methods and testing the waters.  I’m no expert by any means –extreme beginner alert.  However, with a few weeks under my belt, I can tell you what I have found so far.  Results.

3 New Ways to Network

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3913 Article rating: No rating

We’ve talked about networking before folks.  We’ve pushed you in both the conventional and unconventional networking directions.  Now how about a few “new” ideas for you?  We are social beings; networking (whether we’re good at it or not) has always been and will continue to be extremely important to the success of your business, brand, and growth.  If you’re uncomfortable –get comfortable.  Or at least fake it till you make it.  For those still shaking in your boots, checking for pit stains, and wiping off sweaty palms here are a few new, slightly less pressure, ways to network.


Responding to Negative Feedback on Social Media

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3991 Article rating: No rating

This article has been updated on 10/2/2019 with the article entitled "A Simple Action Plan Now Is Better Than Reacting Badly Later"

I don’t have to drone on and on about how important it is that your business is on social media.  Chances are, if you’re reading this article, you’re already set up with at least a few different outlets. But, now that you’ve stuck your neck out there and made yourself available to your customers and the world, you’ve also opened yourself up to the scrutiny.

2013 End of The Year Wrap Up!

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4213 Article rating: No rating
Well, this is the last DIY Sprocket Solutions of 2013. We’re wrapping up this year and diving into 2014 pretty quick here. Let’s have a look back at the top 10 DIY Sprocket Solution articles of 2013 –see the ones you missed, the ones you loved, and the ones we really had no clue would become so popular.

No Place Like Facebook for the Holidays?

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4291 Article rating: No rating
It’s that time of year again, people are running around like crazed lunatics getting their holiday shopping in. We’ve turned into little consumer machines. And where are people looking this year for deals, specials, and guidance? Why, social media of course. So the real question is: Is your Facebook page ready for the holidays?

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