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What Does a Website Cost?

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 2 2912 Article rating: No rating

The annual web hosting invoice was still unpaid after 30 days so we called the client up to see if there was a problem. He was genuinely perplexed. “But I already paid that last year! I have to pay it again?” Website marketing is still new enough that many small business owners are still deeply suspicious of the costs. Here are the answers to some common FAQs.

We Worry So You Don't Have To

Datacenter Upgrade Boosts Capacity 150%

Kate Gingold 0 3336 Article rating: No rating
We work with PowerDNN to host our clients' DNN websites. We chose PowerDNN because they are the world leader in DNN infrastructure and hosting. Still, there's always room for improvement and we're happy to report that PowerDNN recently improved by doubling redundancy and increasing throughput capacity. Translated from geekspeak, that means they've reduced the chances that your website will go down when something freaky happens to one of the many moving parts. One less worry for us when we're taking care of your website.

Knowing More Makes Your Website Less Dangerous

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 0 2796 Article rating: No rating

With the speed that technology changes, too often we just have to jump in and pick it up as we go along. Sometimes that means we miss a few of the details that might help us grasp the bigger picture. “I know enough to be dangerous” is no longer a joke when your website starts killing your business, so here’s the super simple CliffsNotes to help you make the right web-building decisions.

Reinvented DNN

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz

Kate Gingold 0 3443 Article rating: No rating
DotNetNuke is now DNN and is now In addition to a whole bunch of new logo designs, there will be a few things to learn and experiment with. We'll keep you posted!

Happy Birthday!

Sprocket Websites Turns 3

Kate Gingold 0 3722 Article rating: No rating
The Sprocket Websites team celebrates its third birthday in June. We've come a long way and look forward to continuing the upward trend. Working with small- to mid-sized businesses has been our forte, but we've also carved a niche for ourselves in getting government groups online. Compiling information and reaching citizens has never been easier than with today's web tools. Sprocket Websites has built a Digital Governance Team specifically to provide this service. Contact us today and we'll introduce you!

Got an Eight-Track-Equivalent Website?

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 0 3101 Article rating: 3.0

This article has been updated on 8/21/2019 with the article entitled “4 Reasons You Need to Update Your Old Website"

So you plunked down hard-earned money to build a new website a few years ago. You figured you were making an investment in your business’s marketing strategy. Now they’re saying your site is no longer being “supported” and you need a new one. Is someone trying to pull a fast one?

3 More Marketing Tips from Game of Thrones

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 0 3722 Article rating: No rating
With season three due to wrap up shortly, those who follow the goings-on in Westeros will soon be going through Thrones withdrawal.  We suggest you spend this new free time on marketing strategy for your business or not-for-profit. But feel free to add some Game of Thrones flair – there’s much to learn from the competitors for the Iron Throne.

Game of Thrones Marketing Tips

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 0 3777 Article rating: 4.0
If you are one of the 15 million people enthralled by “Game of Thrones” you’ll be pleased to know that your obsession is also imparting valuable marketing tips that you can adapt for your business. Read on for counsel from the best schemers of Westeros on how to be kings and queens of Website Marketing.

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