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5 Web Goals for the Upcoming Year

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 0 3181 Article rating: No rating

Many businesses want to reveal updated websites in the new year, which means that December is a traditionally busy time for us as we get them ready to launch. If revamping your website is one of your upcoming goals, January is a perfect time to talk to us! Not sure what improvements are most important? Here is a checklist of questions to start the conversation:

5 Ways You’re Failing at Social Media

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 0 4916 Article rating: No rating

The old year is fading away, but social media marketing most decidedly is NOT. Facebook may tighten visibility again and the popularity of various platforms may wax and wane, but online engagement with your clients will continue to be an important part of your marketing mix. Are you failing to make the most of this opportunity?

Miracle on 34th Networking Event

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 0 8645 Article rating: No rating
While anticipating the ninetieth march down 34th Street of Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, we started thinking about all the things for which we give thanks this year. We were reminded of the old “Miracle on 34th Street” movie which begins with the parade and goes on to mirror a bit of Sprocket’s history, one of the many things for which we are thankful!

Website Helps Families Preserve Memories

Saving stories from "back in my day"

Kate Gingold 0 4479 Article rating: No rating
Knowing from personal experience how special it is to share a loved one's memories, Susan Schwartz started Back in My Day Videos to record those stories before they are lost forever. Her new website lets families check out the process for filming including introductions to the staff, video samples and pricing. The stroll down memory lane is a blast for the "star" of the film and the professional quality video becomes a treasured keepsake for the rest of the family. The Sprocket team really enjoyed working on this heart-warming project!

Decipher – And Use – Your Google Analytics

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 0 3434 Article rating: 5.0

Every website should have some kind of traffic measurement, and many websites actually do! Google Analytics is a popular tool because it’s free to install and it offers incredible insight into your web traffic. But if you never look at the reports or can’t figure out what they’re telling you, Analytics can’t help you.

Social Media: Separating Hype from Reality

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 0 4461 Article rating: No rating

The “build it and they will come” website hype has long gone. Now experts say social media “fans and follower counts are over.”  So has social media run its course or should it still be a line item in your company’s budget? Read on for the latest discussion on social media reality for the small- to medium- business owner.

Are You Stymied by Failure to Fail?

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 2 3689 Article rating: No rating

”Failure to Launch” is what you call it when adult children get stuck in familiar surroundings where they feel safe but are not progressing.  Businesses stagnate the same way. Rather than risk losing everything, we’re afraid to try anything new. By our failure to fail, we may be holding ourselves back from success.

Social Media To-Dos You Aren’t Doing

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 0 3630 Article rating: No rating

Social Media Management is a hot service these days. Some folks swear by it. Some folks think it’s a complete waste of effort. And, of course, they’re both right. So how do you take advantage of the good things social media can do for your business without squandering your time or your marketing budget?

2 Big Reasons You Should Market with Email

The Sprocket Report

Kate Gingold 0 16112 Article rating: No rating

Okay, there are maybe a dozen reasons why you should be marketing with email, but these two are so big they trump everything. And never mind all the noise about how email marketing is an old and tired format. Fresh, innovative marketing channels are introduced regularly, and have their share of success, but if you aren’t using email, you are really missing out.


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