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Friday, February 21, 2025

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Prep Your Facebook Page for the Holidays Read more

Prep Your Facebook Page for the Holidays

Most wonderful or not, it’s that time of year again. The holidays spur purchases from gifts and decorations to food and clothes. And where do people look for deals, specials, and inspiration? Why, on social media of course! So is your Facebook page ready?
How to Totally Blow Your News Release Read more

How to Totally Blow Your News Release

This post shouldn’t need to be written, but we just experienced it AGAIN. Take a look at this case study, learn from their mistakes and make sure everyone in your organization knows WHY you need to follow the steps in the right order.

Tips for a Successful Instagram Contest Read more

Tips for a Successful Instagram Contest

Instagram contests are a great way to increase engagement, get people talking about your business, increase your followers, and more. The trick is to run a successful Instagram contest that can accomplish these goals. So, what do you need to create a successful Instagram contest? Well, there are actually several components.

Ways to Lose Mobile Users – FAST Read more

Ways to Lose Mobile Users – FAST

Here, in the age of mobile internet, you may think that it’s nearly impossible to lose mobile readers. Well, you’d be wrong about that. Even though a vast majority of people are checking in while on the go, an increasing number of people are getting fed up with certain annoyances associated with reading articles or visiting websites when using their phones. What are these huge annoyances? 

Partnering with Social Media Influencers for the Holidays Read more

Partnering with Social Media Influencers for the Holidays

The holidays are officially in full swing and marketers and businesses everywhere are scrambling to push their last minute Christmas sales and New Year’s buys to the masses. I have a few ideas for the weeks ahead and for you to consider as you’re planning next year’s marketing strategy. It’s a good idea to plan in advance for promotions or specials that you may want to run for each given holiday. The concept of planning ahead also rings true for introducing influencer marketing to your bag of tricks.
Why You Should Definitely Be Sending Out a Newsletter Read more

Why You Should Definitely Be Sending Out a Newsletter

I know what you’re thinking. Great. Another business tip, trick, or tool that I “should be” doing already. As much as it may seem like there can’t possibly be another brick you should be adding to your pack, there is. Newsletters have been around for forever and there’s a reason for that. They work. If you don’t have a newsletter for your company, I think it’s time to reconsider.

How Can I Tell if My Social Media Is Working? Read more

How Can I Tell if My Social Media Is Working?

We’re all talking and reading about social media and you may be wondering how much of the discussion is simply hype. You’ll hear strong opinions both ways, but the bottom line is:  How is YOUR bottom line doing?

3 Ways Your Marketing Can Stand Out in the Crowd Read more

3 Ways Your Marketing Can Stand Out in the Crowd

When you are so overwhelmed by the daily tasks of running a business, any sort of marketing activity feels like a reason to celebrate! But if you’re going to put in the effort, you want to really make it count. Here are three ways to tweak your marketing to get your organization noticed.

Balancing Business, Personal, and Social Media During the Holidays Read more

Balancing Business, Personal, and Social Media During the Holidays

The holidays are approaching and social media doesn’t just stop because the date is November 27th or December 25th. Halloween is right around the corner and before we know it we’ll be in full holiday swing. This means several things for brands and companies. The holiday season can be an unbelievably useful marketing time. It’s also an incredibly busy time as well. How do you balance promoting your business and getting through the holidays in your personal life? Priorities –and there are a few that should top your list.

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