Content Marketing: Revamping and Reusing Existing Content
This article has been updated on 6/6/2023 with the article entitled “Update your Web Content Because It's Always New to Someone.”
We always push the importance of content marketing to businesses. Having articles and relevant content on your areas of expertise that you can link back to your website is a great asset. While we’re working hard to churn out new and relevant content on a weekly basis, it’s easy to overlook the great content that we’ve already produced. If you’re writing a blog (weekly, monthly, yearly, whatever) and/or publishing content online, your previous articles are still a great resource for your marketing campaign!
It’s a great idea to schedule in time (once every few months for instance) to look back through old articles and see if any need revamping. You can check to make sure links still work, make sure that the information provided is still accurate, and update any information that needs updating. Have a ton of articles? No problem; just divide and conquer. Choose a few to check back over this month, a few for next month, etc.
The point here is that you’re keeping your information accurate and up to date. This is important for a few reasons. The first reason is that, if a customer stumbles upon an old article, you still seem like a reliable source for information. The second reason is that you can continue to use this content in your marketing efforts. These old posts don’t have to be saved and dragged out only on a #ThrowbackThursday post. You can continue to push these articles as relevant content and as channels back to your website and business.
We’re all guilty of letting things get a little stale from time to time. As I write this, I know that there are articles of my own that I need to go back and update for links, information, accuracy, etc. It can seem overwhelming, especially if you’ve been writing weekly articles since the dawn of time; but, you can break them up and tackle them one chunk at a time. Put it on your calendar and make a date of it. As important as new content is, the old content is just as important. You are building your customer’s trust in your business.
Although an article may be a year and a half old for you, it might be the first time someone is coming across it. Read it as if you are reading it for the first time. Do the links work? Is the information provided still accurate? Is there “expired” information from the article that needs to be removed?
Once everything is updated – USE IT! You have a vault of valuable information at your fingertips. Instead of sharing everyone else’s articles all the time, check your own archive first. Share these articles and share them in new ways than you thought of a year ago when you first wrote them.
What do you think? Are you willing to go back through old content and give it a facelift to use it as great content marketing for today? Comment below!
The Sprocket Team
Breanne is a Content Writer, Social Media Marketeer, and Sales Associate for Sprocket Websites.
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