5 Simple Tips that Give Your Blog a Leg Up
DIY Sprocket Solutions
Yes, blogging is still something you should do in 2020. It’s important for boosting your website’s SEO and it’s important to building a relationship with current and prospective customers.
By now, everyone thinks they know how to blog, thank you very much, and yet people quickly lose focus and forget to follow the most basic steps for successful blogging. So let’s quickly run through the top five tips that separate the “meh” blogs from the best blogs.
#1 - Share on social media
Say that a new post is coming. Say that the new blog was posted. Remind folks that you recently posted. Share your latest blog post at different times of the day and different days of the week. People have so much information thrown at them today, they may have missed your first message. Also, maybe your post didn’t resonate originally, but now your reader is in a different space, so go ahead and reshare older blog posts, too.
#2 - Respond to your readers
Yes, this is mandatory. This is, after all, a public blog. You’ve invited folks for a front row seat to hear you talk, so please have the decency to respond to their questions, concerns and comments. Even the negative ones. The whole point is to open a dialog and connect with your customer base so that they will make an appointment, buy something or complete whatever your particular goal is.
#3 - Network with other bloggers
When you are blogging for business, treat your fellow bloggers like you would any other business associates. Comment on the blogs of complimentary businesses and give them a shout-out in yours. The idea is to cozy up to a blogger with a more extensive readership and get in front of people you never reached before.
#4 - Throw your readers for a loop
Try a contest, a sweepstake, trivia questions, or other fun games. If your blog feels like it’s getting stale, keep your readers on their toes by throwing a little spice into the mix. It’s fun for your current readers and could also gain you new ones.
#5 - Stick to your schedule
This is hugely important for your business reputation. Make a schedule and stick to it as best you can. Spend a couple of hours brainstorming blog ideas and then keep a running list as you think of new topics so you never have to stare at a blank computer screen with a deadline breathing down your neck. Also keep a list of your best-performing search terms so you remember to put them in your post.
Now it’s true that blogging doesn’t just mean a written article any longer. You could also be vlogging with video posts. If you choose that route, consider using subtitles for folks who won’t have their volume turned on. Also, provide a transcript or write really good descriptions to get your search terms in use for SEO purposes.
The statistics say that when businesses market with a blog they get 13 times the ROI of businesses who don’t. That’s a pretty good reason to commit to a blog! If you are too busy to do it yourself and there’s no one else in the office to handle it, we’d be happy to work with you just like we do for our other clients. Just give us a call!
This article is an update to “5 Ways to Make Your Blog Cool(er)” dated 4/3/2013.
The Sprocket Team
Breanne is a Content Writer, Social Media Marketeer, and Sales Associate for Sprocket Websites.
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