How Your Employees Can Help Grow Your Social Media Business Pages
DIY Sprocket Solutions
When businesses are working on growing their social media following and interaction, they can often get a bit lost on where to start. A company’s own employees can be an incredible untapped resource to reach a large social media audience. Don’t overlook the tools that you have right around you.
You’ll be hard pressed to find an individual who has zero social media presence in today’s digital age. This means that each employee has a following. Even if you have only 10 employees, and each employee has a 100 followers or connections, your reach is now at 1,000 people. That is a big leap from where you started.
It can be difficult to get the ball rolling. When it comes to social media, people want to see the social aspect of that interaction. When people are looking into a business they want to see reviews, see photos, look at who’s checking in and what experiences they are having with that business. This is where employees can begin checking in at your business, sharing their experiences and photos, and more. It inspires confidence in the company as well as increased engagement.
Remember that you are inspiring confidence and trust in the brand when several people are interacting with the brand. Don’t abuse that trust. You don’t want to seem disingenuous. For instance, having your employees jump on and leave a bunch of positive Yelp reviews is bad business. You don’t want to end up doing more harm than good. Encouraging your employees to share their experiences, photos and check-ins at your business is much different than mandating that employees spread company information on their social media accounts.
If employees are going to mention the business online, remind them that they are representing your brand. You can’t control the content that your employees post on their personal social media accounts, but you can ask employees to keep it professional if when mentioning your business. Using social media professionally in relation to the business and brand is important. Also consider that happy employees are going to be much better brand ambassadors than unhappy employees.
Asking your employees to engage with and promote your business on social media can be a great asset in boosting your visibility, increasing engagement, and creating trust in your brand. It is important to create a strategy around including employees in social media marketing and how best to utilize the resource while minimizing negative consequences from the partnership. What are your thoughts on incorporating employees in your business’ social media marketing strategy? Good idea or bad idea? Comment below!
The Sprocket Team
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