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5 Signs That You Need Help Managing Your Social Media & Online Presence

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 6722 Article rating: 4.6

We all know by now that being social these days seems to be translated into the average number of comments you give or receive on social media on a daily basis.  Whether we like it or not, this is the new norm.  Connecting via tweet, blog post, comment, tag, etc. is the new phone call or drop by that we used to give to check in on our friends and clients.  Social shifts aside, this digital world is an opportunity for business owners. Online marketing, specifically on social media, is a free admission fish tank full of free bait to dangle in front of fresh fish -I mean customers...  The problem is this: there are only so many hours in a day.  There, I've said it. The secret is out.  You may not have the time to successfully market your business on social media while simultaneously running that same business.  Luckily, there are other options.

Facebook Introduces Embedded Posts

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4465 Article rating: No rating
In the name of all things social media, I thought I'd catch you all up on what's going on in Facebook's slice of the universe this week.  Turns out, Facebook has decided to introduce a social plugin that allow users to embed posts on their blogs and websites.  What are embedded posts?

#HashtagsonFacebook: Dos and Don’ts

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 6472 Article rating: No rating

Well it’s official, no matter how you feel about them –hashtags have now officially made their way onto the Facebook playing field.  They are fully interactive; not just a sad leftover symbol copied from a Twitter post.  What does this mean for your business?  Well, as we’ve seen on Twitter, hashtags can be totally beneficial when used properly and nothing but noise when used badly.  Surely there will be a few bumps along the way while all of Facebookland is learning this Twitterverse function.  When Facebook introduced Graph Search, it was a big deal.  Problem is –the reach of the graph search is limited to what is contained in people’s friend’s profiles.  Hashtags reach a whole new realm of customers.  You just have to have a common idea and viola! #InstantConnection

Why We Should All [Myself Included] Consider A Pinterest Business Page

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4623 Article rating: No rating

I’m no stranger to Pinterest.  This isn’t such a huge shocker to those who know me.  In fact, my husband would be rolling his eyes saying, “Are we talking about Pinterest, again?” He’s still bitter about the corn husk glue gun project.  My point here is this –Pinterest is big.  Huge even.  In fact, Pinterest produces four times the revenue-per-click as Twitter.  Do I have your attention yet?

How Hootsuite Saved my Sanity

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4564 Article rating: No rating

Hootsuite saves my life, sanity, the happiness and well-being of those around me on a daily basis.  Dramatic much?  Perhaps, but I’ll tell you this - anything on this planet that saves both time and money on a consistent basis is a win in my book.  So how does Hootsuite save me?  How does this delectable tool keep me coming back for more?  Well, I’ll tell you.

When is it Time to Redesign Your Website?

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 6188 Article rating: No rating

There comes a time in every person’s life when they’ve got to ask themselves –is it time to redesign my website?  That may not actually be true.  The truth is, however, that if you DO have a website and if you ARE invested in it –it is worth a second look every now and then to see if there is actually need to shake things up a bit.  This could be anything from swapping out colors, to changing your whole theme.  Maybe your little spokesperson is a brunette, but you heard blondes have more fun.  Whatever your reasoning, if you are asking yourself if it’s time to redesign, here are a few pieces to look at that may need a little tweaking, moving, and shaking.

Beef It Up For Graph Search

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 3959 Article rating: 5.0

We’ve already discussed Facebook’s Graph Search’s plot to take over the world: here.  Now, lets dive a little deeper into how your business should be rearranging itself a bit to get the most out of those search results.  If you want to be noticed, you have to stand out a bit.

Move It Or Lose It!

Breanne Bannon 0 4353 Article rating: No rating

I read blog articles, news stories, and other random web nonsense every day of the week.  Some are memorable; some not so memorable.  Do you know what I don’t read?  That news story you never shared.  That blog post that you never put on your Twitter or Facebook?  I’ve never read it.  Between checking my email, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, and EZines on ten minute rotations –I don’t have time to go searching the darkest corners of the internet for your recipe on the world’s largest soufflé.

5 Ways to Make Your Blog Cool[er]

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 0 4239 Article rating: No rating

So, you’re a big bad blogger now?  Well good for you!  Sort of… Hey, people are always looking for ways to improve. For all I know, you’re perfect and you’ve already enacted all of these tips I’m about to share.  If that’s the case, you’re just going to force me to make another list folks.  And if you haven’t noticed from any past posts… like: here, here, and here.  I like my lists.

Facebook Graph Search: For or Against?

DIY Sprocket Solutions

Breanne Bannon 2 4084 Article rating: No rating

Everyone is talking about this new Facebook Graph Search.  Talk makes it seem like it’s taking over the world, slashing privacy to death, and burying Google in the backyard.  But, what’s the real story?  I would show you some great screens shots and walk you through the process… However, we’re going to have to save that for part 2 my friends –as I am still on the waiting list to dive into this particular treasure.  I feel like going on Facebook and really beefing up my profile so they will pick me first for the team.  So what is it, exactly, that all the buzz is about?  What is this search supposed to do and what does that mean for you? Perhaps most importantly, can it help your business?


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